Corporate Wellness Las Vegas

REV will Regenerate – Energize – Vitalize Employee Mind and Body for a productive and positive work day!
Ancient Eastern Training combined with modern day science!
Positive Energy – Healthy Mind and Body!
We have the most unique Corporate Wellness Program designed by Don Niam a 40-year champion Martial artist and veteran personal trainer.
Why Our Program Is Unique And Effective
Our program is designed to Revitalize, Energize and Vitalize the brain and the body for a more effective workday. Our “REV” program is not a standard exercise program.
REV is a combination of Kung Fu based dynamic stretching and a series of bodyweight muscle and tendon strengthening tension-based exercises along with flowing movements implementing dynamic muscle tension exercise and light flow movement working the bodies center of energy designed to wake up the brain. “REV” Corporate Wellness also includes balance training drills that are fun and effective for persons of all ages. Employees have fun and create a bond by working together as a team without competition and provide support for each other. Employees love the workout, laugh, have fun and get motivated to work with enthusiasm and appreciation to the company for providing a great work environment.
The exercises included are not anything found in any gym or provided by any personal trainer. I can say this with confidence as I was taught these exercises from a Kung Fu master many years ago and they were not shared with the general public. These exercises are not found on social media such as Instagram, Facebook or any fitness sites.
Today fitness is one of the fastest-growing industries and people are seeking new ways to workout and get off the couch to become healthier and develop self-improvement. Introduce your employees to being physically and mentally healthier way of life.
Ten years ago this type of training would not have been easily accepted by the general public due to the mindset of people who workout. The time is now to present this program and share the benefits to as many people as possible. Corporate Wellness is the avenue I have chosen to bring this training out to the general public and help as many people as possible.
Employees will be removed from the work at hand and re-energize body and mind for a more energetic and positive attitude to go back and tackle the tasks at hand.
If your company is interested in “REV” please feel free to contact us for a Trial 1-hour exercise session at your company. Contact us and we will get back to you with more information and pricing. REV can be implemented 1-5 days a week right at your office location provided you have an empty room or a room that will support the number of employees you would like to try “REV”.