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Online Personal Training with The Iron Trainer Don Niam of Las Vegas, Nevada

Custom Workouts And Custom Videos

Iron Trainer Personal Training Custom To Fit You!

What makes Iron Trainer Online Personal Training different than many other online trainers?

Most online training programs are apps that have been set up with standard cookie-cutter programs that are banged out for everyone signing up.

Unfortunately, this is not a form of personalized training. Cookie-cutter training doesn’t take into consideration what your current fitness level is or what type of experience you have. Not everyone wants to lose weight, some want to gain muscle which requires putting on weight if you are a lean body type and a hard gainer.

Don Niam founder of Iron Trainer Personal Training has set up several of his custom videos and custom programs such as strength, athletic training, medicine ball training, center bodywork (core) and more. He is always adding new videos and programs to benefit his clients as they reach their goals.

Unfortunately, too many trainers take advantage of an individual’s lack of fitness knowledge and rely on the fact that since they are a trainer or call themselves a trainer the average person won’t know the difference, nor will they be questioned.

Don treats the online personal training client just as he does an in-person client. Don feels that all clients are important and he knows that they rely on him to advise them correctly regarding their fitness goals, their form and their concerns about what their training will achieve. This comes from being a martial arts instructor for many years focusing on a persons form and achievement as essential.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Don via email or phone him directly at 702.610.3896.

Some Of Our Custom Videos: Programs For Every Fitness Level

Fill In Form To Tell Us About Yourself And Equipment Access

Online Training Consult Form
What Equipment do you have access to? *
Which days are you able to workout! *
Do you have any existing injuries or conditions that I should be aware of while building your training plan? *
What are your fitness goals? *

We use Trainerize and Their Safe and Secure Payment System

Payments Set Up Monthly With Self Cancellation Ability
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