Please take a moment to read this page and educate yourself about the realities of strength training and the necessity of lifting weights in your exercise routine.
…A person (female) will not bulk up with weight training, DON NIAM
Do yourself a favor by taking care of your body and start changing your life through fitness one step at a time! Consultations are free.
Call 702.610.3896 or email us.
When you go to many gyms today especially the well equipped health clubs, you will see loads of cardio equipment and various styles for use. People have been led to believe that it takes daily cardio of thirty to sixty minutes a day of cardio to lose weight and it’s just not true. If it were most of the people using the equipment would not be overweight.
Short intense bursts of high intensity cardio burns fat at an optimal rate. It takes strength training to add muscle tissue to your body which increases your metabolism and allows your body to burn fat. The need for weight training especially as we age is a must. As we age our bodies lose the muscle mass we have and it continues the older we get. This is why many people who never had weight issues, but also did not carry muscle mass at around mid 30’s to 40’s all of a sudden have extensive weight gain.
We all need strength training  to help prevent injury, osteoporosis and keep us strong enough to enjoy our daily activities, family, loved ones and friends.
Give each client 110% effort as a professional personal trainer and fitness educator.
Alway motivate and never discourage a client by giving positive reinforcement and obtaining results to make them a believer.
Always pay attention to the client and not use cell phones or allow distractions to interfere with a clients training as it is their time!.
Maintain a professional relationship and be attentive to clients challenges and needs. Everyone has off days..
Don created this graph as a professional in his field as personal training is a passion and not a job. Fitness and martial arts is about helping people.
Women have thought for years that weight training makes you bulky and it is not true
Beginner client starts strength training may not eat properly and the added muscle makes the appearance of bulk.
The body requires resistance to add muscle tissue. The muscle tears and repairs adding new muscle tissue.
Dumbbells are an excellent tool to keep the body balanced by forcing the limbs to work independently as not to allow dominant side to takeover
Cables provide a smooth constant resistance that adds a different dimension to workouts. Cables also provide independent strength training to avoid in-balance in muscle strength.
All of this work requires nutrition to fuel the muscles and add nutrients such as protein, complex carbohydrates, minerals and quality fats.