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Future Of Online Fitness Training

This Is The Future Of Online Personal Fitness Training
fitness trainer raising dumbbells to side

The Future Of Online Training And How To Pick A Trainer

I was never a big fan of online training. But there is a reason for that. I would look at trainers that used an app that was automated and had its own workout videos. So what does that mean? I would see trainers using these apps and pumping out the stock workouts because they don’t give a hoot about people and their fitness goals because they really do not know the person signing up for their cheap and useless stock training programs that the trainer doesn’t even know what they sent out.

As a professional trainer with a solid track record and loads of happy clients with Google reviews that are real and successful results are obtained. I started using a popular app during the covid lockdowns. Something that I noticed by looking at trainers using the same app is that they were sending stock workouts that I did not feel were good at all. For me as a perfectionist, I knew this was a pathetic method to train people. Lazy trainers without the passion to customize a workout and care about the person who wants online training will never have any long term success and actually destroy the online training experience.


What a consumer who wants to try online training really needs is a trainer who has a passion to make fitness and overall life through fitness better. But beyond that the trainer needs to be knowledgeable, experienced and have great reviews. The trainer needs to keep his own fitness at a professional level forever. Seems like a long time, but if your passion in life is all-out health, anti-aging and becoming stronger and healthier. Our health is taken for granted when we are young, but health is precious and does not just last on its own for most of us.

What I have developed in the online training platform. 

The first priority of mine as a perfectionist and someone who stands by his name and credibility is to develop all of my training methods directly and not someone I do not know who is getting paid to create the exercise videos. I want consumers to completely understand methods that are still working at the age of 67. These methods are tested daily and scrutinized by myself who is my biggest critic.


My Customized Workout For You

My mentality in training and business: “I will not waste one second of a clients time or my time.” I create all of my own videos with a verbal description that is easy to follow along with a written description of how the exercise is performed and rep range. These workouts are customized for each and every client. Everyone is different and require different needs.


Benefits Of Online Training

A proper online training program can be very beneficial to someone who is ready to make changes or just learn new and successful methods of working out. A online training program is set up via an app with videos, content with exercise explanations and loads of features including adding nutrition and meal plan apps. Upload photos, body stats and almost anything necessary for gaining results and feeling in sync with the trainer even though it is VIA the net. Online training should not be zoom style sessions as the client may not be able to keep an appointment and eventually quit due to a poor online experience designed by the trainer and giving serious online training a bad reputation.


Using an app that a client can use at his or her schedule as opposed to scheduling a workout in someones garage is old technology and how online training started. The Trainerize app I use has everything needed for online training, tracking workouts and eating habits. Custom workouts designed for your needs. How do I do that? I upload exercises and training programs based on your goals and fitness level. This can and is changed after approximately 8 weeks. Let’s make online distance training fun, simple to follow and effective. If you are using zoom based on your trainers recommendation, I would not plan on much success, unless you have a full gym and able to meet and set appointments to stick with. ZOOM is clunky and difficult for long term training.

Iron Trainer Personal Training is going to blow the online training business with personal and customized videos by “The Niam Method” developed by Don Niam founder of “Iron Trainer Personal Training!”

You can visit this page on my site and fill in the form for online training inquiry info.

Feel free to contact me directly at 702-610-3896 or

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